So far we do not provide a complete SOPE developer manual. Since the application server itself (NGObjWeb) was written with WebObjects compatibility in mind, you can reuse most of Apple's documentation on that topic.
Note that starting with WO 5.0 the Apple server was rewritten from scratch in Java. The WO 4.5.1 version is the last version which is supposed to be compatible to SOPE.
Also remember that sope-gdl1 is only roughly compatible with the EOF framework which was provided with WO 2.0 (EOF 1.1). For compatibility with a recent ObjC/EOF version, check out GDL 2.


Small snippets of documentation on various aspects of SOPE.

WebObjects Links

Objective-C Links

Some links to tutorials which are relevant if you want to start out developing on OGo.

GNUstep Makefiles


The xmlrpc_call tool is a Unix shell tool to invoke XML-RPC webservices from the command line.